Storm - Tek Magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Trick by Tek Magic
19.95 Possibly discontinued.
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Trick by Tek Magic (19.95)

Possibly discontinued.
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Storm - magic
Storm Storm Storm Storm Storm Storm

Yu Hojin is a FISM winner and this is his first release! His act is a gorgeous, poetic act filled with visual magic. And in that act, there is a moment in which confetti flutters to the ground perfectly--slowly and elegantly, and dramatically. THIS is how he does that effect. 

Yu Hojin's Storm is a jumbo-sized, stripped version of a snow storm. It's bigger than an ordinary snow storm, and due to its stripped characteristics, the storm falls in a more artistic fashion.

This snow storm has been carefully tested by Yu Hojin himself, as he created his winning manipulation act. He has found the perfect size that falls in the most artistic fashion, at the perfect speed.

This snow storm is surely going to add a new essence to your stage act. Add a little bit of art to your magic!


  • Yu Hojin's unique tips on setting up and performance
  • 8 packs of stripped, jumbo-sized snow storm included in each set, and can be reused with care.
With Storm, your snow storm will be magical and beautiful!

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