The Human Calculator - Arthur Benjamin - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

The Human Calculator

Magic download (video) by Arthur Benjamin
14.97 - normally $29.95
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.9 | 24 reviews

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The Human Calculator

29.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Arthur Benjamin (14.97 - normally $29.95)

Some of the most unique and entertaining skills you’ll ever learn, taught by one of the world’s best practitioners.

Combining the words “math” and “magic” is often the quickest way to make many magicians disappear. But, just like the nearly 1,000 magicians that gave him multiple standing ovations at Magifest, Dr. Arthur Benjamin is about to permanently change how you view mathematical magic.

Fooling & Entertaining

During his standout lecture and gala show performance at Magifest, Art Benjamin proved how genuinely fooling and entertaining mathematical magic can be. He followed these amazing sessions with an intimate lecture that dove deep into these robust concepts and garnered rave reviews. While only a select group got to experience this special workshop live, you can now get a front row seat from home with “The Human Calculator”.

This exceptional almost two-hour download will make you forget everything you thought you knew about math-based magic. You’ll join Art for a fascinating journey through his most cherished mathemagical secrets and discover how to blur the line between math and magic in ways that will astound audiences of any type or size.

Anyone Can Do It

Not a math whiz? No problem. These routines are within the range of any magician. Even those who have never considered the possibility of performing mathematical magic are invited to explore the endless possibilities it holds.

Art Benjamin is like the cool math professor we all wished we had in school. He makes the impossible seem not only possible, but also accessible. Beyond explaining the core methods, he explains why they work. This context is the crucial ingredient needed to ensure you walk away confident that you can actually perform these effects.

You’ll learn impressive routines like how to quickly square 2, 3, and even 4 digit numbers, as well as new methods for knowing what day of the week someone was born on based on their birthday and powerful techniques for memorizing Pi. Of course, you can’t talk about math and magic without touching on the Magic Square and Art’s unique twist will make you fall in love with the classic plot all over again.

Most importantly though, “The Human Calculator” shows you how to present mathemagical magic in a way that is entertaining for your audiences. This is strong, practical, compelling magic you’ll love performing and your audiences will love watching.

Even if you’re skeptical about the idea of combining math and magic, we guarantee you’ll walk away from this amazing video with a newfound respect for the versatile skillset. Download and dive into “The Human Calculator” by Art Benjamin today.

Enjoy Art's unique approach to the Magic Square with this full performance:


Customer reviews for The Human Calculator



During covid, I developed an interest in magic and improving my memory/math skills due to brain fog.I felt bad during this lecture because a majority of what the lecturer was teaching,i learned from a book I bought 5 years ago. Then, I realized I shouldn't feel bad because the author of the book was the host of this lecture. I felt like an idiot. I love the lecture because I was able to follow along and noticed I have mastered certain things. It goes to show that his methods and techniques are life changing,no matter the medium you learn it in.



I've seen multiple explanations of the magic square and I think this is the easiest to remember and apply by far. The other impressive math feats taught besides the magic square will take a bit more practice to master and could intimidate some but he tries to make the explanations easy and relatable. I especially liked the touch of identifying the day of the week they were born and is worth the practice for that extra kicker on the magic square.



This guy is every teenage child's worst nightmare! If he were my dad, the 3rd party embarrassment would've been incalculable (math puns, math songs, etc.). But now that I'm in my 40's, oh how I wish I was this enthusiastic about the things that I love!

The teaching is great and the infectiousness of the desire to know more is off the charts. For me, the Birth Day calculation was great. Years ago I bought Chris Brown's book, The Rainman Algorithm, in the hopes of learning this exact skill, but for the life of me I couldn't get it. Yet, in the maybe 45 minutes Arthur dedicates to it in this video I was able to do any date in 2024 called out by my less-than-impressed girlfriend. I was thrilled! I'll soon have any date from 1900 to 2099.

If you're a nerd (and you're on the VI site so I already know that you are), you can't go wrong here. Highly recommended.



Love, Love, Love this! Is this magic? To many, "Public Math" is scary and usually ends up in shame and regret. This allows you to do some pretty impressive things and make you look way smarter than you are (self-included). Most of these effects I have performed live in front of spectators and an audience (parlor). Many of the reactions are either the amazement of people or at least impressing them hearing, "I know it's a math trick, but I can't do that!".

Warning: This does require some practice to do, but lots of practice to look like a "Human Calculator".



Amazing Lecture by Amazing Mathemagician

VI Monthly


Awesome, I wish there was more information on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, rather than squares. However, it was still wonderful and highly informative.


Michael W.

He is great! Even for those of us who never really liked math!



An excellent lecture that blends mathematics, memory and magic! Will definitely be using some of these techniques in future, even if just to recall long numbers when needed. Arthur Benjamin is a very interesting speaker too. Highly recommended.



Wow! I'm absolutely astounded by the breadth, depth, and clarity of the instruction. He is incredibly passionate about mental math magic and does an incredible job teaching it.

My one minor gripe is that VI really should have given us all of the things we need to memorize. I'm sure it could all fit on one sheet of paper. It's hard to memorize formulas from being taught them in a video. Nevertheless, this should not dissuade you from purchasing this phenomenal lecture, and if you want the physical notes, you can always buy his book (which is what I just did).



I love how he goes into the algebra of everything so you can actually understand why the shortcuts he gives you work. I especially loved his take on the magic square with an amazing kicker, and feel like that alone would be worth the purchase if any of this looks interesting to you.



This is an incredible lecture. Disclaimer: I love applied math and I was able to appreciate the methods behind the numerous outstanding effects, that include estimating the day of the birthday, deriving a unique magic square, squaring numbers. For math-averse audience, the methods might need extra hiding through a different presentation that is offered as a template. The quality of teaching for this lecture is top notch - fast pace, high energy and generous.



This is a great learning experience. If you want to do math magic this is for you. The effects are clearly explained and the magic square is an audience grabber even though there are easier to do magic squares. You will definitely use at least one of the effects that are taught. The only downer for me is having to purchase an easel and the large easel paper which is not inexpensive. Highly recommended. A+++++++++++






As he stated in the instruction, some of this could be found in 13 Steps, but seeing how he thinks through things and the changes he made was definitely worth the price of this.

Likewise, it's fantastic seeing it performed by a seasoned mathematician/performer, vs just reading about it in 13 Steps.

Overall, excellent value!



I thought this was dynamite. The two hours is jam packed with fantastic math method. I've already been squaring two digit numbers all day! And I can't wait to get to the calendar stuff. Dynamite, I tell you.


Scott R

This video is of the workshop from Magifest 2024. I can't begin to tell you how amazing Dr. Arthur Benjamin is with numbers. I am feeling so much smarter with basic math because of this class. The Magic Square is so much easier with his help. You will look like the smartest magician.



One of the best downloads EVER. Absolutely fascinating from start to finish by a great communicator and not a card trick in sight!!



Arthur Benjamin is a Master of Mathematics!!! He is Incredible.
The material covered is merely touched upon . Followers will have to search out more books which he mentions during his talk.
It is mindboggling to watch him but not what I would consider entertaining...IMHO



Fantastic video! Will I use his magic square, no. I do one I prefer but his magic square definitely has a load of entertainment value if you don't mind repeating a number or three.
The Any Day calculation - Incredible! I will use it.
And, even if you don't use the math, the entertainment value is TOPS!


Yali J

Excellent teaching methods!! I loved the method for the use of the magic soon as I finished typing I will be using the new well spent. Thank you






Great lecture from a master, very entertaining throughout.
Very well taught and easy to understand.
5 stars.
Dean james.



I saw Aurthur Benjamin perform at a conference of math teachers many years ago. Not only is this guy a genius mathemagician, he's also a stellar entertainer and an all-around nice guy. I give this download an unconditional 100% positive review (I'd give it a 110% review, but Dr. Benjamin would probably correct me on
that one).



I was somewhat disappointed with The Human Calculator lecture because it spent so much time with the more difficult squaring four and five digit numbers in your head. I thought the magic square information was excellent. I own the Math and Magic course put out by Greater Courses which I think is superior to this course because it covers magic with numbers and cards all with plenty of things (with a math twist) that any parlor or closeup magician will use,


Community questions about The Human Calculator

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Evan asks: Is this Art's lecture from this past MagiFest?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This is the workshop that was on Sunday.
  • David asks: Is the day of the week effect the same as calendar calculating on his secrets of mental math dvd or is it a different version?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is similar but you get more of an in depth look at how to know the exact day someone was born and more!
  • Paul asks: Why does the video say that there were a few dozen that got to learn from him live but the written add says nearly 1,000 magicians that gave him multiple standing ovations at Magifest. that math doesn't add up. ;-) please have your video and copy make sense or it feels a bit manipulative. Best, Paul

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The few dozen were in the workshop at MagiFest (which you'll see in the video) and the 1,000s of magicians gave him the standing ovations at the gala show the night before.
  • Ricardo asks: The magic square works for dates in the day/month/year format?

    • 1. Art answers: The magic square will work for any 4 numbers in the top row. Typically it is month/date/year but you can choose your own order.
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