Collectors Edition

Magic download (video) by Syd Segal
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Collectors Edition

6.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Syd Segal (6.00)

One of 7 original effects featured on Simply Sydney, an instructional collection featuring the card magic of Syd Segal. In Collectors Edition, the Kings successfully locate and trap three selections, the feat is then repeated by the magician under test conditions. Not only do the selections reappear a second time in the magicians hands, but the King packet cleanly vanishes as well!


Customer reviews for Collectors Edition



Simple and effective. I was looking for a good and practical collectors routine and I just found it. The switch at the end is mind boggling!



This is my favorite effect, hands down, only tying with the biddle trick. It is extremely useful and practical. Due to the simple method, it's very deceptive. Because of it, you can work on perfecting it much sooner, and start getting great reactions. This is a true gem.



Simple and effective with a nice twist at the ending.


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