Black Friday 2022 | Team Picks - Magic Books
By Vanishing Inc. - Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Everyone here at Vanishing Inc. loves magic books. We produce more than anyone else, and we firmly believe that books are the single best way for us all to learn magic.
Here are the teams’ picks of four of our books from the last year.
Remember, all of these, plus much more, is part of our Buy Three Get One Free Black Friday promotion. So when you chose three of these books, we’ll give you another one (of your choice) for free!
Let’s see which books the team recommends.
Recommended by Jeff Kowalk, Joshua Jay, Kyle Littleton and Katie Webster.
Talk About Tricks by Joshua Jay
$250.00 or download for $187.50
12 years. 144 columns. 868 tricks. For over a decade, MAGIC Magazine ran Joshua Jay’s Talk About Tricks column and this book sees every word of it compiled into two, genuinely stunning books.
For 12 years, Josh traveled the globe seeking out the new, the underground, the amazing. And boy, did he find it. Material from legends like David Williamson. Paul Harris, Darwin Ortiz, Lance Burton and many more is here. But so is the first time the world was introduced to performers like Daniel Garcia, Harapan Ong, Paul Vigil and even Asi Wind! The column was ground-breaking and it’s wonderful that it’s now all available for everyone to enjoy. If you learn 2.3 tricks a day from it, it will take a year to learn everything. This will keep you very busy!
Buy Talk About Tricks Now
Stage By Stage by John Graham
From $60.00
There’s never been a book like this. A book written by a parlor performer on how to create a parlor act. How to take close up material you perform already and elevate it to the stage. Instruction for creating a parlor or stage show shouldn’t focus on the tricks. It’s not really about the script, or character. It’s not the lighting or sound, prop management, bookends or call backs that are important. It doesn’t need to share original magic effects.
It needs to do all of that.
In Stage By Stage, John Graham will give you everything you could possibly need to create your own stage show. Not only that, he’ll teach you how to transition from close-up, to parlor, to stage. Discover how to transform tricks into show business.
You’ll get openers, middle pieces and closers. Of course, you’ll get full shows (three to be precise!), scripts, theory and tricks. But most importantly, you’ll get decades of experience condensed into one, beautiful book.
Buy Stage By Stage Now
Before We Begin by Asi Wind
From $59.95
Asi Wind has tackled a topic that has had precious little love over the years. Some view it as a bit “dirty”, or risky. But in Before We Begin Asi Wind masterfully teaches you the hows and whens of preshow like no one else ever has before.
You’ll learn scripts, how to select your mark, and—most importantly—how to avoid the common mistakes people make when using this much-maligned technique.
The interviews with Luke Jermay, Penn Gilette and Max Maven will also further illuminate this incredible technique for you.
Buy Before We Begin Now
52 Explorations by Andi Gladwin
$60.00 or download for $45.00
15 years after Jack’s passing, the sequel to 52 Memories has finally arrived. 52 Explorations contains 52 more of Jack Parker’s best creations. This is hard-hitting, practical, amazing card magic that truly embodies what made Jack so special.
You’ll learn full routines and original ideas like the Profusion Principle, color changes like the Fade Change and innovative sleight of hand moves like the Hands Up Vanish. There’s even an entire chapter dedicated to a little-known mathematical principle that will fool even the most analytical audiences—even while they hold the cards in their hands.
As this is our final chance to explore the endlessly-creative mind of Jack Parker, nothing is held back. 52 Explorations offers Jack Parker’s most cherished secrets. This includes a multi-phased Seven Card Assembly trick that only Jack’s closest friends had ever known until now. It is quite possibly the most perfectly-constructed routine Jack ever devised.
Buy 52 Explorations Now

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