Black Friday 2022 | Team Picks - Magic Downloads
By Vanishing Inc. - Thursday, November 17, 2022
We pioneered releasing magic tuition as downloads when we saw the demise of DVD players and physical media starting. We were ahead of the curve then, and now celebrate our position as “Download Masters” by being able to offer magic tuition on instant downloads by some of the very best magicians in the world.
These four team picks are no exception. Before we dive in, remember, this Black Friday, when you select any three VI downloads, you get to choose a fourth for free! Let’s dive in.
Recommended by George Luck, Kyle Littleton, Damian Jennings and Brian Watson
The Devil's Picturebook by Derren Brown
Did you know that Derren Brown used to make his living doing card tricks? Me neither. Until I saw this download. If you take Derren’s thoughtful, elegant approach to mind reading and apply it to card magic, this is what you get. And it’s stunning. There are two parts to the download. One is Derren’s approach to “traditional” card plots like Card Under Box and Oil and Water. The second part is explaining in detail his pioneering psychological card magic. This is something everyone needs to watch!
Buy The Devil's Picturebook Now
Jon Armstrong Download Bundle
Each one of the three routines you get in this great-value bundle has been fully worked in and performed thousands of times, and it shows. Jon is one of the most popular performers at The Magic Castle and on Disney Cruises and the flight time he has had pays off in spades with these three tricks. You’ll get an Out Of This World that makes perfect sense and takes much less time than the traditional version. You’ll learn an engaging and fun Three Card Monte with blank cards and a sticker, and Jon’s take on the Follow The Leader plot I know every single one of you will perform. Highly recommended.
Buy The Bundle Now
Four Foolers by Paul Wilson
If you’re looking for value for money, this download contains four real-world worker routines that you’ll love. It’s by the venerable Paul Wilson, so you know you’re in safe hands. These are practical routines, that have been streamlined to remove unnecessary chaff. Rather than rely on difficult sleight of hand, these routines utilize clever nuances and subtleties that elevate your magic to new levels.
Buy Four Foolers Now
Marc Paul Vanishing Inc. Masterclass
I had to include a pick for the mentalists among us, and who better than world-renowed mind reader, Marc Paul. This was originally part of our Vanishing Inc. Masterclass series, and it was a huge hit. You’re going to learn a world-class Q&A act, that is an incredibly solid 15 minute routine that leaves your audience in no doubt that you know exactly what they are thinking. The structure and thinking behind this is second to none. And you’ll also get essentially a Billet masterclass. Marc Paul has been using this Triple Billet Test for years, but has never taught it before. All the hard work has been done so you can slot this straight into your set.
Oh, and you’ll also get the real work on the reputation-making ACAAN that Marc Paul originally performed on British TV.
If you want to make your audience believe you can really read their minds, this is a must buy!
Buy Marc Paul's Vanishing Inc. Masterclass Now

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