Two Months in Vegas

By Andi Gladwin - Tuesday, March 12, 2019

This week represents a big life event for me and my family ... we're off to Las Vegas for two months! We have rented a house and car and packed enough of our life (and my act!) to keep us going for the next two months. During the lead-up to the trip, lots of people have asked the same few questions: why Vegas? Why now? Why are you doing it? I thought it might be fun to answer all in this blog post.

The last ten years have been incredibly busy for me since starting Vanishing Inc. and quitting my day job to become a professional magician. Other than the day my son was born, I don't believe I have taken a day off in that time. Every day, I have been either performing, working on my act, or working on Vanishing Inc. Even when I have been on vacation, I have had my laptop with me for at least a few hours a day (including on my honeymoon ... argghh!).

This trip isn't about taking a break though: it's about breaking out of the norm. Creativity is best when you create time for it and the more set routines you build into your life, the harder it is to find time for creative endeavours. Therefore, these next two months are entirely about breaking out of those traditions and experimenting with where that takes me. Perhaps I'll develop new material, maybe I'll find improvements in my existing shows, or perhaps I'll try something altogether different. For the first time in my working life, I have no todo list or agenda, and I can't wait to see where that takes me.

And why Vegas? Well, there's no better way of working on magic than being around the best magicians in the world. I'm excited to be around so many Vegas friends (and having a few fly in to visit) and hopefully learn a thing or two from them.

I'm nervous but excited to see where the next two months take me. I'll still be working on Vanishing Inc. and checking in with the team daily, but for the most part, I'll be exploring the parts of Vegas that local friends recommend (for example, there's a coffee shop that serves fluorescent coffee!), and relaxing working on magic. I can't wait! If it works, we hope to travel for extended periods somewhere new every year or two. I'll report back on the blog when I know whether it was a great success or just an excuse to try fluorescent coffee.

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