Magic by Longlong

L-Box Trick
Trick by Bacon Magic and Longlong - 30.00

Developed by Chinese underground legend Longlong, the L-Box amplifies the abilities of the standard Boston Coin Box in unbelievably unique ways. The...

Twin Cube Trick
Twin Cube
Trick by Bacon Magic and Longlong - 74.95

A truly clever new Rubik's Cube magic prop from Magician Long Long and Bacon Magic. You start by introducing a regular sized Rubik's Cube and a Mini...

The Vault - 11Touch Magic download (video)
The Vault - 11Touch
Magic download (video) by Longlong - 19.99

11TOUCH is our first exposure to the incredible magic teaching work of China's underground magician, Longlong. With years of accumulation and clever...

L Bell (Standard Version) Trick
L Bell (Standard Version)
Trick by Bacon Magic and Longlong - 74.95

A gorgeous, elegant, remote-controlled spirit bell. "L Bell" was developed by Magician Long Long and produced by Bacon Magic to offer...

Dead Sea Trick
Dead Sea
Trick by Bacon Magic and Longlong - 55.00

Make not just one, but two glasses appear with this incredible addition to any stage magic, parlor magic or even close up magic show. "Dead...