Meet The Team | Tim

By Damian Jennings - Thursday, April 4, 2019

Who are you and what do you do at Vanishing Inc. Magic?

Hey! My name is Timothy Paul but the team calls me Sloth. I work at the warehouse, making gimmicks, packing orders, and taking breaks.

What got you into magic?

When I was 10 years old, I was watching the movie Click with Adam Sandler and Henry Winkler. There is a scene in the movie where Henry performs the now classic, Coin Bite effect. My jaw hit the floor. I turned over to my father and asked” What the heck was that?” He looked at me, mirroring my wide eyed expression, and said “Magic.” “Cool. I’m gonna do that.”, I said to him. I’ve been a magician ever since.

What sort of magic do you do now?

I’ve always performed close up card magic but have a deep admiration for stand up and parlour magic.

Who are you magical heroes?

Tommy Wonder, Brother John Hamman, Bill Malone, and Henry Winkler.

What’s your favourite magic book?

In order:

  1. The Books If Wonder by Tommy Wonder
  2. The Secrets of Brother John Hamman
  3. Absolute Magic by Derren Brown

What’s your favourite magic trick?

I hate this question. If I had to pick ONE I’d say Spooked by Nicholas Einhorn. Haunted packs with loops never did much for me, I prefer the long distance of an ITR.

What’s one bit of advice you can share you’ve learned over the years?

The biggest room in the house is the room for improvement.

What Vanishing Inc. tricks do you perform most regularly?

I always carry Prism and Phantom Deck at a gig. Bare is a mind bending trick. You can’t go wrong with our free ebooks Magic in Mind and Going Pro.

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